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renaissance style中文是什么意思

用"renaissance style"造句"renaissance style"怎么读"renaissance style" in a sentence


  • 文艺复兴式


  • The renaissance style of the molding
  • Gate lodge , however , is in renaissance style which is a major deviation from mountain lodge
  • Kin yin lei , which was built in 1937 , is a rare surviving example of chinese renaissance style in early colonial period
  • It is an imposing institutional structure , supported by granite colonnades in renaissance style and surmounted by a tall clock tower and four turrets
  • The best - known western structures were a fountain , a maze and european palaces , all of a renaissance style . in a small lake was built a model of venice
    最有名的“观水法” ,是一座西洋喷泉,还有万花阵迷宫以及西洋楼等,都具有意大利文艺复兴时期的风格。
  • The main building is spacious and symmetric in appearance . it features the granite columns of the renaissance style of architecture and has a tower with four turrets on the top
  • The italian style of furniture originated from the 14th century and reached its peak of development in 16th century . in modern society , the design of italian furniture still shows the influence of renaissance style and carries a heavy humanistic color
    文艺复兴时的意大利家具产生于14世纪, 15 、 16世纪为发展及高潮期,意大利近现代家具的设计仍受其风格影响,人文主义色彩比较浓厚。
  • The exterior is elegantly designed in a renaissance style and the interior decoration combines classic and modern lifestyle . being luxury graceful yet simple and practical , it is rich in artistic atmosphere and has profound cultural meanings
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